

 We are social creature. Human are common & uncommon due to their knowledge. Knowledge means not professional education what we learn from institutes. Here telling about social & spiritual knowledge. we have some knowledge but sometime we fail and get sorrows. It is due to our incomplete knowledge.

This blog is to share/arrange thoughts & quotes and to make complete topic for which we can  get a complete education and then our social life will be pass through smile and happy.
*A topic is complete from bottom to top.

Complete topics list as per following : 
Month      I                  Topic       
Sept'14     I          Human Being 
Aug'14     I          Leave n live    
July'14     I          Sad n smile     
June'14    I          Let go              
May'14    I          Accept the life 
Apr'14     I          Relationship     
Mar'14     I          Heart               
Feb'14     I          Change life      
Jan'14       I         Sorry               
Dec'13     I          Smile              
Nov'13     I          Beauty            
Oct'13     I           Patience         
Sept'13    I           Love              
Aug'13     I          Prayer            
July'13     I          Mistake          
June'13    I          Education       
May'13    I          Thoughts        
Apr'13     I          Wisdom           
Mar'13     I          Alone             
Feb'13      I          Maturity         
Jan'13       I          Attitude         
Nov'12     I          Happiness      
Feb-12      I                                
Jan'12       I          Enlighten       

Note: Topics are completely to enlightened me only, that may be partially true or may vary person/place, Everything possible with positive vision for universal goodness. Anyone can get more great things from this like as these topics are basically got from group discussion.

Thanks to all admins & members of " Sweet thought for peace of mind " group for a good initiation. 

Discussion is always better than Argument because Argument is to find who is right and Discussion is to find what is right. -: Unknown
Unity is strength. When there is a teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - :Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Our life is passing through indiscipline. Let's start search truth to live in peace & discipline by continuing discussions with people in our family, in our village committees or in urban clubs /Associations.

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